Naviguer / Comparer

By Lia Giraud

In collaboration with Benoît Verjat

This research is conducted as part of the SACRe PSL Research University PhD, with the support of the Reflective Interaction group (EnsadLab) and the CCE laboratory of Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle.

Thanks to the project Exposer / Flasher, we were able to observe the “reactivation” of an image and reveal the unpredictable reactions of culture, over several days. We looked for a tool capable of comparing a set of similar experiments, repeated according to a stabilized capture system. This tool enables navigation between different videos simultaneously and at several time levels: for the entire duration of the experiment or more precisely (frame by frame). A controller with eight crossfaders and eight associated potentiometers controls the playback heads of eight videos. For each of the videos, a double navigation system is therefore possible.