Workshop: Collective mobile mapping

Presented by Dominique Cunin, Oussama Mubarak, Colin Bouvry and Manuelle Freire – EnsadLab
May 30 and 31, 2019

Collective mobile mapping, Collective Interactive mapping using smartphones

This workshop proposes to conduct research on the implementation of collective interactivity.
A generic technical platform based on Web technologies will be offered to allow the creation of interactive projects combining video mapping, a variable number of smartphones and other data made available in the established network. The notion of a “channel” has thus been established in order to allow each artist to deploy their work with dissemination support (individual or collective screens). An artwork is made up of a projected 3D scene (video mapping), a 3D scene broadcast on mobile screens, and a program for the relationship between these two elements (a script server). In order to designate these works generically, we use the term “sketch”. Each sketch can be disseminated independently or simultaneously, opening the possibility of another role for the device: that of conductor, determining on the spot which works will appear on the screens.
The projects completed by participants, as well as the device derived from our research, will be presented for the closing demonstration.

Required material

• A laptop computer equipped with a source code editor (Visual Studio Code, Atom, Brackets, or equivalent) and a browser that supports WebGL.
• If possible, a recent generation smartphone (iPhone 6 or newer, Samsung Galaxy S4 or newer, etc.), with their charger cables and data transfer.
• For iOS: Mobile Safari running iOS 11
• For Android: Chrome
• Smartphones must support real-time 3D rendering and integrate certain sensors: accelerometers, gyroscope.


• Intermediate-level knowledge in computer programming (JavaScript will be used).
• Simple manipulations with GIT.
• Basic notions of network structures to design projects in all their parts (video mapping, mobile screen and server).

About iX Symposium

iX Symposium (for Immersive eXperience) is an international annual gathering of the leaders of immersive technologies, created in 2014 by Montreal’s Society for Arts and Technology (SAT). iX is a one-stop where experts and amateurs exchange, learn and create around domes, virtual reality, augmented reality and other immersive platforms. Every year, artists, researchers, developers, producers and digital enthusiasts from around the world are invited to share their knowledge on the subject for five days at the SAT. Focused on exchange and learning, the iX Symposium program consists of lectures, workshops, demonstrations, dome shows in the Satosphere and hybrid art works in the rest of the building. The theme of the 2019 edition is 360 Playgrounds and it will run from May 29 to June 1st, 2019 at the SAT.