Graduate of Bellas Artes in Cali (Colombia), Hernan Zambrano obtains in 2011 his DNSEP (Master 2) at ENSA-Bourges (National art school). During these years, he is influenced by the work of the 60’s kinetic artists as well as by the crossing between art and sciences and create his first interactive installations. Through this mean, he explores physical and optical phenomena and gives to spectator the possibility of interacting with its entire works. Between 2011 and 2013, he pursues his studies in Bourges at CEPIA (Centre d’Étude au Partenariat et l’Intervention Artistique) and also at conservatory in Electroacoustic Music and Sound Art. In 2012, he manages an artistic intervention with and for young autistic at the medical reception center Le Châtaignier. This experience marked for him a starting point to explore new methods by which we could transform the way we perceive the world while trying to improve our understanding of what is “real” and of what hides behind our senses. From 2013, he joins l’EnsAD in the research program SAIL (science et arts des interactions lumière-matière-couleur) at EnsadLab. During these last two years of research, he explores light’s properties, the sensory perception and color’s psychometric aspects. He experiments with materials such as glass, pigments, filters, light sources and various sorts of reflecting materials. He also works in association with artists, designers, scientists and creative craftsmen for projects of collective creation but also in his research project “Sculpting the Light”. In September, 2015, he joins the research group Reflective Interaction at EnsadLab, topic Interactive Light. Since 2014, he also works in association with the sound artist Daiana Romero. Their project leans on composition of sounds recorded during meetings with native populations at the heart of the Amazonian forest, which they transpose then in sound and visual spaces by means of immersion devices in sound and in light.