Lauren Tortil

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Lauren Tortil is an artist and researcher, her approach takes many forms—publications, installations, videos, performances and workshops—that question the process of listening and the semiotic of sound, in relation to power. After studying Fine Art at HEAR in Strasbourg where she graduated in 2010, Lauren continued one year at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, in Israel and Palestine. Back in France in 2011, she studied Space Design at ENSBA Lyon and obtained in 2013 my master degree (DNSEP with the honors of the jury). Her work has been shown in several cultural institutions in France such as the Center Pompidou, the Fondation Louis Vuitton, the Salon de Montrouge, and recently at La Villa du Parc; and abroad at the Sound Gallery (CZ) and during the 11th Biennal of Architecture of Sao Paulo (BR). In addition, she is the laureate of several residencies among which: Factatory in Lyon (2018), Villa Belleville in Paris (2017-2018), Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris (2017), Générator in Rennes (2016) and Triangle France in Marseille (2014).

The publication of her book Une généalogie des grandes oreilles in 2019 (winner of the 5th edition of the ADAGP Revelation Artist’s Book Award 2020), lead to a cycle of three personal exhibitions and a series of performances called Lecture affective, in 2020.
