After studying philosophy at the University of Edinburgh and art history at the Sorbonne, Rahma Khazam obtained her Ph.D in Aesthetics from Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University. Her research spans contemporary aesthetics as well as the new philosophical movements such as speculative realism and new materialism. She has been collaborating on the “Behavioral Objects” research projet (with EnsadLab et l’EUR ArTec) since 2016, exploring in particular the philosophical aspects of the behavioral objects, their agency, nonanthropomorphism and nonanthropocentrism, and their relevance to such notions as posthuman and subject/object. Rahma participates regularly in international conferences, such as “Deleuze + Art: Multiplicities, Thresholds, Potentialities” (Trinity College, Dublin, 2016), “Nonhuman Agents” (Art Laboratory, Berlin, 2017), “L’écho du réel” (Paris, 2019), “RE:SOUND – 8th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology 2019”(Aalborg University, Denmark, 2019), “Hacking the Computable” (HMDK Stuttgart, 2020), Cultural Logic of Environmentalization (Leuphana Universität, 2020 and 2021). She is affiliated to Institut ACTE Paris 1, and a member of AICA (Association internationale des critiques d’art) and DGA ( HYPERLINK “”Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik).
Publications (selection) :
• « Distant Affinities : Speculative Realism and the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze », Lithuanian Journal of Philosophy, Volume 18, no. 4, 2016
• « From the Object to the Hyperobject : Art After the New Art History », in Newest Art History: Wohin geht die jüngste Kunstgeschichte?, Verband österreichischer Kunsthistorikerinnen und Kunsthistoriker (dir.), 2017
• Une poétique pragmatiste : Considérations sur l’œuvre de Franck Leibovici, Rahma Khazam (dir.), Dijon: Les presses du réel, 2018
• « Art, Science and the Mutant Object », in Post-Specimen Encounters Between Art, Science and Curating, Bristol : Intellect, 2020
• « Son et Image : Face au Réel », in L’écho du réel, Paris: Editions Mimésis, 2021
• « Clement Greenberg’s Modernism: Historicizable or Ahistorical? » in Historical Modernisms, London : Bloomsbury, 2021
• « Ikonische und spekulative Wende : Von Visualität zu Realität », inNach der ikonischen Wende. Aktualität und Geschichte eines Paradigmas, Berlin: Kadmos, 2021