Arthur Enguehard

Arthur Enguehard grew up in Nantes and currently works in Paris (France). He studied Earth Sciences at the Geosciences Department of École normale supérieure – PSL (ENS – PSL) and Sorbonnes University. On the side of his academic career, he engages as educator with specialized audiences in metropolitan France and French Guiana. In 2019, he co-founded the association «PePaSon: Pedagogies des Paysages Sonores» encouraging the development of a french speaking network for sharing practices around sound walks and forms of mediation of listening. He is currently developing a PhD in the SACRe doctoral program at PSL University, in the framework of the Reflective Interaction Research Group of EnsadLab and of the ENS Geosciences Department, a PhD research entitled: «Listening to the (E)arth: Hybriding sonic arts and geosciences in knowledge production and sensitization toward the environment».

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