On May 16-18, 2018 at EnsadLab
“Hands-on” workshop organized by the Reflective Interaction research group. This workshop aims at extending our practices and understandings of robotics, by simultaneously experimenting behavioral software processes connected with active and reactive material structures. This hands-on workshop is based on the MisB KIT, a modular robotics environment developed at EnsadLab by a team from the Reflective Interaction group. Software and hardware bricks will thus be interfaced with the MisB KIT in order to produce behavioral objects, thanks to a crossover approach between language (program) and matter (structure). More specifically, we will work on a software-hardware brick: a behavioral module.
With: Sofian Audry (School of Computing and Information Science University of Maine, USA), Lorenzo Guiducci (Image Knowledge Gestaltung, An Interdisciplinary Laboratory Cluster of Excellence Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and the participation of: Alexandre Pitti | NeuroCybernetics Team ETIS Laboratory, CNRS-Université de Cergy-Pontoise; designers-researchers from École nationale supérieure de création industrielle; researchers from École polytechnique; and the Behavioral Objects team from EnsadLab Reflective Interaction group
This activity is supported by la Chaire “arts & sciences” of École polytechnique, École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs – PSL and the Daniel & Nina Carasso Foundation.