Symposium: Art and science in research

May 17, 2019 at 3:45pm
As part of the 87th ACFAS UQO congress, engager le dialogue savoirs-sociétés (May 27-31, 2019)
Research-creation and relations between art and science
Speaker: Samuel Bianchini (Ecole nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs – Université PSL – Paris)

Art & Science in research – Mutual instruments and mutual instrumentalizations

Arts and sciences form a couple, an old one, but highly actual, even fashionable. If the humanist is often invoked to establish the proximity between these fields in Western history, this model raises issues for the present world. Our times require us to rethink forms of cooperation: between humans undoubtedly, and with non-humans. More and more multi, trans and/or interdisciplinary research programs are emerging, especially from art and design. Although the progress of research-creation has led to the recognition of its specific nature, such a field has to evolve in a cooperative relationship with scientific disciplines (natural, human, social or engineering sciences). In response, scientists, anxious to break out from their ivory tower have to rethink their relationship with society, with the “publics” who finance their work, and see through art a new way of being understood as well as to be perceived. How can we do this together? Samuel Bianchini develops and articulates two concepts to improve such a cooperation: giving a central place to instruments (to technology as well, which connects us in action), and ending the fantasy of co-emergence by favouring mutual and assumed instrumentalization.
