February 2-3, 2018
How do we build relationships between matter and form in order to develop sensitive or responsive materials that can act and react? By working with artists and designers, how can we use these new materials? Why do we seek to combine their material, their aesthetic and their symbolic processes? From 3D to 4D, from defined volume to moving form, these materials provide a new dimension, a new degree of freedom, a non-linear combination that oblige us to take into account the agentivity of matter.
In response to these complex questions involving both arts and sciences, we have chosen a unique method of publication to report ongoing research on these active and reactive materials: posters in a poster session revisited by designers. Between the academic modalities of publication and the multiple ways art is made public, can we open new paths to meet academic requirements as well as those of the artistic community? Therefore, can these hybrid forms of publication address both experts and wider audiences by appealing to sensitive experience and transmission of knowledge at the same time?
Project organized by Samuel Bianchini (EnsadLab-PSL) and Carole Ecoffet (IS2M-CNRS Mulhouse and EnsadLab) as part of “Nous ne sommes pas le nombre que nous croyons être”, an event by the Daniel & Nina Carasso Foundation, in partnership with la Chaire “arts & sciences” of École polytechnique, École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs – PSL and the Daniel & Nina Carasso Foundation, and la Cité internationale des arts.
Curatorial and delegated production: Bétonsalon.
An experiment supported by la Chaire “arts & sciences” and Labex Arts-H2H.