Workshop: Experimental Publishing

From 21 to 23 March 2019 at Friche Belle de Mai in Marseille, Alphabetville and La Marelle are organizing the fourth session of “Ecrits du numérique” devoted to experimental publishing, in partnership with EnsadLab, IRI, Leonardo/Olats and la Salle des Machines.

As part of an project for creative writing and digital publishing, initiated by the advisor for books and reading at the D.R.A.C P.A.C.A.A., Alphabetville, a laboratory of multimedia writing, and La Marelle, contemporary litterature, are associated in a collaborative approach located at Friche Belle de Mai in Marseille.

For this fourth edition of “Ecrits du numérique”, Alphabetville, with La Marelle, offers a focus on experimental and alternative publishing, while building a critical discourse on the operating modes and existence of these forms, i.e. on publication. Publication in the broad or etymological sense of publishing, including contents, formats, media, locations, interactions in digital culture, along with its technologies and equipment, and with regard to the web (new public space). And which should establish the possibility of an experimental public space.

Experimentation implies an experience, practical and/or theoretical, intuitive or rational, the purpose of which is to test the real, its construction, to reveal its truth. Across the field of art and science and technology, experimentation is a paradigm and informs the production process, passing through research, development, creation, invention… The interventions will present research processes and their experimental challenges in various fields such as literary or artistic creation, art and science reviews, criticism or scientific research. And will report on possible hybridizations, between disciplines, between technologies, between publication spaces.
A workshop will propose to discover and experiment hybrid publishing manufacturing processes with free digital tools.

Required registration at: / Full program

Thursday, March 21

Reception from 2pm

From 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm, Seita hall

Introduction and presentation of the issues by Colette Tron (Alphabetville) and Pascal Jourdana (La Marelle)

Arts, literature and digital forms of books by Lucile Haute, artist and teacher-researcher

Between game design and writing, the author’s role in video games and electronic texts by Lucas Friche, literature researcher, specialist in the study of the narrative forms of video games

No one reads in general (or in particular) by Antoine Hummel, author, performer, “architect”, winner of the writing residency La Marelle/Alphabetvile 2018


At 6:30 pm, Various facts, bookshop La salle des machines

Reading and presentation of “Espaces hospitaliers” by Laurence de la Fuente, winner of the digital writing residency 2019 of La Marelle

Friday, March 22

From 10 am to 1 pm, Seita hall

Art – / Science. Writings and in(ter)disciplinary values, by Jean-Paul Fourmentraux, lecturer at AMU, research director at EHESS

Retrospectives and prospective of the scientific experimental publication: the case of the arts and sciences observatory Leonardo by Roger Malina, president and editor of Leonardo, physics teacher at Texas University.

Massive data processing and participatory sciences as epistemological and editorial breakthroughs by Vincent Puig, director of Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation (Centre Pompidou)


From 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm, Seita hall

Designing the digital public space: editorial issues of “l’écriture réticulaire”; “nuages de socialité” in the worldwide web; hypermedia or post media; critical spaces, publication and public space; new statutes and rules …

Collective discussion

Saturday, March 23

From 10 am to 5 pm, Seita hall

Hybrid creation with free digital tools

Workshop directed by Julie Blanc, graphic designer, member of PrePostPrint, PhD student EUR ArTec, Laboratoire Paragraphe (Université Paris 8) and EnsadLab/Reflective Interaction (EnsAD-PSL); Lucile Haute, artist and teacher-researcher, Université de Nîmes and EnsadLab/Reflective Interaction (EnsAD- PSL), member of PrePostPrint; Quentin Juhel, graphic designer, member of PrePostPrint, student researcher at EnsadLab/Reflective Interaction (EnsAD-PSL).

In the fields of publishing, graphic design, digital and printed publishing, alternative tools are developed and disrupt the production, distribution and consultation ecosystems of editorial objects. Until now, computer-assisted publishing (DTP) has played a central role in shaping text before it reaches its audience, gradually giving way to web technologies and methodologies (HTML5, CSS3, java-script, epub).

Through a sensitive and creative relationship with digital technologies, authors, designers and publishers take hold of them and claim to escape the standardization of shapes, inherent in the standardization of formats. They question new creative modalities by opening up to “unconventional” practices and often based on open-source technologies, which are particularly suited to the creation of multi-modal or hybrid multi-media editorial objects for new reading contexts. During this workshop, we would like to present and share some free or unconventional tools and methods, alternative practices in publishing and graphic design.

Morning: demo, presentation of projects and tools

Afternoon: hands-on workshops
– create books with a browser: introduction to Paged.js. Requirements: mastering of html / css;
– open graphic design: introduction open graphic tools;
– single source publishing: multisupport design, introduction to web to print. Requirements: notions of html / css.
Participants’ equipment: personal computer.
15€ fee for the workshop (membership + workshop + buffet).